WoT by Hjundaj EasyTundra x64 and Tundrik EasyTundra x64  and Tundrik

After patch, ALL TUNDRAS NEED A 64-bit GAME CLIENT TO WORK PROPERLY. Follow the procedure below to force the game to run in 64-bit mode:

Locate folder c:\Games\World_of_Tanks_XX\win64\. (https://prnt.sc/jnyTp8JGJ4N9). Send worldoftanks.exe to desktop (https://prnt.sc/rbjL0Bev-9bW). Right click on the worlfoftanks.exe, SENT TO -> DESKTOP (https://prnt.sc/F0SrmfPKE71M). From now on, use ONLY this shortcut to start the game. Standard game launcher from now one will be used ONLY to update the game. New shortcut MUST be set to be RUN AS ADMINSTRATOR (https://prnt.sc/26erkg9).

 password to unpack file: hjundaj.com



How to Install


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