WoT by Hjundaj RedBall by Stealthz

RedBall - Limarik UPDATED

If you are a true lover of the artillery, the modes “Red Balloons” is specially designed for you. Now you will have the opportunity to play with the enemy in an artillery duel. RedBall by Stealthz


True thanks Redball fashion you will have an overwhelming superiority. You need to calculate only the approximate position of the enemy’s arts and events will mark the specific location shots red ball. It will only come down to this position and make a fatal shot to the enemy. If you do not destroy it right the first time – do not worry, it is possible contender moved after the shot. The next time you take a small advance forward or backward relative to the red mark.

If you are interested in buying this mod for ANY server with unlimited time licence, you can contact the mod author Stealthz over this email: volovikovi@gmail.com

– active until 01.08.24.



RedBall - Limarik UPDATED
RedBall - Limarik UPDATED
RedBall - Limarik UPDATED RedBall by Stealthz





How to Install


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