WoT by Hjundaj [ZJ] ContourLook Demo (X-ray) ZorroJan

[ZJ] ContourLook Demo (X-ray) ZorroJan

adapted to Tanks of World . The principle of operation of ContourLook Demo, (X-ray) is quite simple.

To see the outline of the enemy machine there is no need now to wait for the time-of-sight. Simply just turn the camera onto the enemy, and tank will be encircled by a gray outline. What is useful from this information? Now you will be able to determine the position of the enemy’s body and see how it was going to tank (housing or caterpillar), where to go, which way to shoot and so on. Any action enemy will take in relation to tank equipment you will see that  I will just wait for the moment and make a shot.

[ZJ] ContourLook Demo (X-ray) ZorroJan

[ZJ] ContourLook Demo (X-ray) ZorroJan
Trial version is released for WOT

Working period until: 01.08.2024

[ZJ] ContourLook Demo (X-ray) ZorroJan refers to prohibited. You use it at your own risk.



How to Install


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