WoT by Hjundaj Webium’s Modpack – v.00

Webium’s Modpack

General Info:

From version 2.10 with Webium’s mod-pack there is no need to uninstall before update. Downloaded files are now stored in \webium-download\ folder – this files are not deleted after installation, so you can manually extract the mod to your game in case of error by extracting. + you get popup with error message. Even by changing the installation, or updating, these files will be not downloaded again. But will be deleted when uninstalling the modpack.

From 0.8.10 there was mod-pack installer implemented (CZ/DE/EN/ES/FR/IT/NL/PL/RO) – with options to install selected mods only. With installer you can easy change, repair or remove the mod-pack from Control Panel, or run “webiums modpack” icon on your Desktop.

Webium's Modpack
Webium's Modpack Webium’s Modpack – v.00



  • XVM with or withouth Stats,
  • Minimap + last known position,
  • CAPS Lock or CTRL  for big minimap (option)
  • Never seen enemy,
  • Custom SixthSense icons + different sounds,
  • Colored players names by WN8
  • Webium’s contour icons
  • Autologin
  • No Intro Video
  • HP in PlayersPanel and Minimap
  • Tank Carousel
  • Clock in Hangar


  • J1mB0’s Crosshair Mod
  • Shtys Minimalistic Crosshair
  • Zayaz Crosshair    
  • Deegie’s Sight
  • MeltyMap’s MathMod
  • HardScope – [Andrey_Hard]
  • Crosshair by Cyril Oreshkin
  • Giacint – [SAVBO]
  • Sword of Damocles sight [AleksLee]
  • Animated-6 [RoughNecks]
  • Taipan 1 [DIKEY93]
  • Taipan 2 [demon2597]
  • Kellerman blue [soulza]
  • OverCross [PietrofSKY]
  • Harpoon [lenya69]
  • Fatality [Luxz]

Damage Panels:

  • Zayaz’s DP (quick repairs in center with CTRL)
  • Shtys’s DP
  • Mini DP with Taken Damage History Log
  • Rabbit DP
  • DP by KobkaG
  • GambitER damage Log – Taken Damage History Log (available with DPs without own Damage History Log)


  • ZoomOut mod – [P0LIR0ID]
  • ZoomX – [P0LIR0ID]
  • Zoom – Indicator [P0LIR0ID]
  • DefaultZoom – [P0LIR0ID]
  • NoBinoculars – [P0LIR0ID]
  • Old Serverside Reticle – [P0LIR0ID]
  • Free Camera
  • Battle Assistant [reven86]
  • Max Farplane – [AtotIK]


  • Critical Hit Sound
  • Gun Loaded sound
  • Kriegstreiber’s sounds (Engines, Guns, Hits)
  • Gnomefather’s engines and guns sounds
  • Piciu’s War Thunder Gun and Engin Sounds
  • Voice mods Duke Nukem and Czech movie lines
  • Voice mod Team Fortress 2


  • Clock in Hangar – [AntonVK]
  • AutoEquip – [Skino88]
  • WN8 Session stats – [tratatank]
  • Hangar Manager (switch hangars right in game) – [goofy67]
  • Crew Exp Extended – [spoter]
  • Vehicle Exp Extended – [spoter]
  • Quests Extended – [spoter]
  • Replays Manager – [STL1te]
  • PMOD Session Stats – [P0LIR0ID]

Hit zones and Skins:

  • Korean Random Hit Zones Skins – [Dendyt]
  • White Dead Tanks – [StranikS_Scan]
  • White Tracks – [StranikS_Scan]
  • Brown wagons (better contrast) [StranikS_Scan]
  • Visible Rail Wagons – [StranikS_Scan]
  • Map Borders
  • Damage Stickers (paintball mod) [webium]


  • Max Farplane – [AtotIK]
  • Chat History – [STL1te]
  • Chat Filter – [Krzysztof_Chodak]
  • Shtys Info Panel – [shtys]
  • Accurate Damage Indicator – [Meltymap]
  • Time alert + 10 voices for killing enemy tanks – [locastan + webium]
  • SafeShot – you are unable to shoot dead tanks (2 seconds after death), eventualy on Ally – [Ekspoint]
  • Team HP Pool – [Armagomen]
  • ATAC! – display warning if enemy is closer then 100m (only if you dont see him in your screen) – on/off F10 key
  • Female Crew
  • Idependent Hitlog & InBattle WN8 Calculator-  [Roughneck]
  • Spot Messanger (Im spotted mod) on/off F11
  • AutoAim Indicator [Krzysztof_Chodak]
  • AutoAim Extended [Spoter]
  • Armoring Extended [Spoter]
  • Spotted Extended [Spoter]
  • Skill Informer – View Crew Skills and Modules in Battle (BackSpace) [voytello] Webium’s Modpack – v.00


How to Install


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