WoT by Hjundaj Advanced Red Poll by Stealthz

Advanced Red Poll by Stealthz Advanced Red Poll by Stealthz


Advanced Red Poll by Stealthz Advanced Red Poll by Stealthz Advanced Red Poll by Stealthz Advanced Red Poll by Stealthz

The essence of the fashion red pillars for World of tanks quite simple – it draws a long red pillar at the site of the last glare of the enemy. On the feasibility of such a modification is difficult to argue. Each user can for himself answer this question. We have on our website a shadow , and that draws the contour of the tank, and its name – it is much more informative than the red poles. But in this modification, there is one distinct advantage – the red mark, you can see even abroad tank drawing, that is itself a tank you in the sight do not see, but the column in place of his glare appears, therefore you have a chance to cause damage to the tank, that without this mod would remain an unattainable goal for you.

Every Mod you download on your own risk. We do not encourage to cheat. We want to Inform you.


How to Install


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