WoT by Hjundaj DrWebber Tundra 64Bit

Please read post, all needed information we think are included below. DrWebber Tundra – additional piece of software that slows to tanker to remove partially or totally trees/leafs from game view.

Instalation: Download, unpack (preferably to desktop), start game and than start downloaded file. Set up key shortcuts and enjoy game. DrWebber Tundra 64 Bit

– probably the best and most stable Tundra for WoT out there

Every Mod you download on your own risk.
We do not encourage to cheat. We want to Inform you.

The anti-virus falsely works on the components of the Cheat Engine program in which the trainer was created.

password to unpack file: hjundaj.com


password to unpack file: hjundaj.com


After patch, DrWebber NEED A 64-bit GAME CLIENT TO WORK PROPERLY. Follow the procedure below to force the game to run in 64-bit mode:

Locate folder c:\Games\World_of_Tanks_XX\win64\. (https://prnt.sc/jnyTp8JGJ4N9). Send worldoftanks.exe to desktop (https://prnt.sc/rbjL0Bev-9bW). Right click on the worlfoftanks.exe, SENT TO -> DESKTOP (https://prnt.sc/F0SrmfPKE71M). From now on, use ONLY this shortcut to start the game. Standard game launcher from now one will be used ONLY to update the game. New shortcut MUST be set to be RUN AS ADMINSTRATOR (https://prnt.sc/26erkg9).

DrWebber – without a miner. It’s just that the trainer itself is scripted and at startup it is unpacked, the “non-scripted” version of the trainer is launched, so antiviruses are extremely unsatisfied with this. A trainer was written on the Cheat Engine. + The trainer uses signatures in the search for working offsets, so it does not need to be updated after each patch or micropatch, only a very big game update can spoil it.




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