Chameleon Mod – Stealthz (two versions) UPDATED ..
|Chameleon for World of tanks replaces conventional skin tanks in 3D option.
When you enable this mode display enemy tanks only in the sniper scope. In contrast to the standard of a chameleon, this modification uses advanced color grading.
When you try to vytselit enemy’s tank, you can clearly see where the different towers, bulwarks, caterpillars, poorly protected by the roof of the tank. In addition, the more pronounced will be the result of shots fired as your and your allies. The marks that remain after falling into a tank, to become more distinct. You can see where the enemy tank was broken, and where his armor withstood the onslaught of the projectile.
Another advantage would be shooting at long distances. The contour of the tank is clearly visible due to the different houses and stones. Now you can get even sticking because of the obstacles a couple of pixels.
Change the setting mode can be in the file
Author of mod: Stealthz
– V.1 – always ON Chameleon Mod By Stealthz
WORKING UNTIL: 18.03.18.
This mod has been added to the list of prohibited mods.
Do not put your replays and screenshots in the public domain.
How to use it???
There are 2 folders inside archive you download. One which shows that chameleon all the time , other one only in sniper mode. You unpack one you decide to use into relevant res_mods subfolder. Althoug that is major help it is listed as forbidden mods.
This is cheating and should be banned by wg. It gives people an unfair advantage and stops from getting better. All mods should be banned imo.
To be honest with RNG on so high level which we have in WG aiming at long distance into weak spots is almost pointless. Biggest advantage of this mod is that tanks are more visible as they are in very bright colors. That is huge advantage. And I can’t agree more. This is cheating.
if you do not agree with mods, what are you doing here? excuse english … tr.google
As it is your choice to use it or no. it is here for information only