WoT by Hjundaj Historical Gun Sounds – Gnomefather’s HRMOD by Zorgane

Realistic voice HRMOD gun shot sounds for WoT created in WWISE

A very interesting and time-consuming processing of sounds can lead to the special effects of the battles of the iron giants of the game “WoT” of the modes realistic voice-over of the gunshots of the HRMOD gun for World of tanks

Historical Gun Sounds – Historical Gun Sounds – Gnomefather’s HRMOD by Zorgane

Presented to your attention the sound mod “Realism gun shots” for World of Tanks created for fans of realism in everything. Thanks to it, every time you shoot from the gun of your tank or self-propelled installation, you will hear a loud sound more similar to an explosion that will be heard at a great distance – this is what it looks like in real life.

When firing from top guns, heavy tanks or self-propelled guns will be heard such a sound, as if the whole tank exploded, because it really is.

For those who like the work of Gnomefather on the voice acting of the game, we also recommend that you familiarize yourself with his other creation – Realistic sounds of tank engines for World of Tanks. Work on them was carried out simultaneously with the development of realistic sounds of guns.


A similar separation was made in order to optimize the operation of the modification on computers of different capacities, avoiding unnecessary drawdowns of frames per second.

Historical Gun Sounds Historical Gun Sounds Historical Gun Sounds – Historical Gun Sounds – Gnomefather’s HRMOD by Zorgane

Sound mod Realism by Zorgane [V1]DOWNLOAD


How to Install



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