InBattle WN8 Calculator, EFF, Damage |
|This mod shows you in-battle current WN8 EFF and Damage, depending what configurations you use.
This mod shows you current WN8 in-battle. There are 8 options to choose from, depending what do you need. Be sure before you download one of the configurations, download first the Default Config, otherwise will not work. Moving the mod is simple, hold the left Ctrl and drag it where you want.
Installation Instructions:
• Important! •
1) Download the Default Config from the top of the post.
2) Extract it.
3) Copy mods folder and paste it to World of Tanks game directory.
• To use one of the configurations extract it copy and paste the configs folder into mods folder.
• Updated for
• Added vxbattleflash v.1.7.3
• Added screenshots in every config.
• Reuploaded with ZIP archive format.
• Updated ekspointCore.
• Added 3 new configurations: WN8+EFF+AvgD, WN8+HighC, WN8+DIFF+EFF+AvgD.
doesn’t work
Testing now. Looking for mistake we made.
Working on it. Shows WN8 but surprisingly not showing other parameters. Do you mind please to let me know which exact version you downloaded?
What is damage for ? Average damage for the tank or what ?
damage you make in battle. Not average.