Marks Of Excellence Calculator By Spoter & ProTanki
| Marks Of Excellence Calculator By Spoter & ProTanki Marks Of Excellence Calculator By Spoter & ProTanki
39 Comments Marks Of Excellence Calculator By Spoter & ProTanki Marks Of Excellence Calculator By Spoter & ProTanki
helloooo…Where is 1.0.1 version??
where is
On it’s way. Game client was updated without long enough notice. We are working on it as we speak.
thank you !
I have just one question…
…is this mod legal ?
Im worried about getting banned for it
please respond to my question fast
thanks you 😀
100% legal
is this downloadable on Mac?
Yes. We do not have manual how to use mods on Mac but it is possible. There are manuals in internet. And this mode will work on MAC
Do i need to activate this mode somewhere
Great mod, thanks!
I download it, the mod work in garage, everythings appears but in battle I see what I need to see (percents etc…) but it don’t move, I see my actual percents of Moe before I launch the game for example 72,34% before I launch the battle and in battle I will see 72,34% (72.34) and in all the long of the battle it will don’t move, help me please, I use the Skill4ltu version
I found the problem of the bug, I need to do minimum 3 game with the same tank for the mod work and the bug disapear but I need to do it with every tank then for the bug disapear on all my tanks
Just want to say a big THANK YOU, this mod is awesome. 🙂
Thank you for this mod. Can you explain me how install a mod?
Just copy to proper folder inside Game client folder. Usually c:/Games/World of Tanks/
Can we disable the tech tree modification ?
Dobrý den,
děkuji, za mark mód
Bohužel v Bitvě mi nefunguje a konfigurace taky nejde spustit. Nevím proč.