Spectr20 Gun Sight By Andre_V
|Description – Spectr20 Gun Sight
Mod Author: Andre_V + Spectr20
The simple sight of the Spectrum (Spectr20) for World of tanks
designed in a minimalist style. No extra effects and gadgets
The advantages of this mode are immediately visible. Thin Green Line range of information and cross-hairs. However, they can be seen not only in the snow like on winter maps either on yellow landscapes like “Sand River”, but also among maps with high percentage of green area.
Among the close to the sighting frame indicators present data on the amount of HP as a percentage, the presence of shells, cannon recharge time. Countdown Timer alerts about availability of armored vehicles to fire at the enemy again. A nice bonus that modifications developers decided to make “the tanks”, became a widget that shows the distance to the target. It can help you understand how effective is this or that type of ammunition.
– only the most necessary information. This solution helps you to concentrate on achieving high results on the battlefield. Not to disperse attention to obscure contemplation of battle display.
The crosshair is displayed – drum state digital indicator armor thickness of the enemy and break through your shell, the distance to the enemy tank, the time of your charge, the amount remaining in your hit points and more.